Friday, 22 October 2010

Basic test shoot for Image and Text project

Diagram One: Lighting set up for Vintage film poster Idea. Low key lighting
I used a black backdrop, a flag, two honeycomb lights and a snoot. I was really pleased with this lighting setup as I think it depicts that 1940's Film Nior look. It creates lots of shadows and sets a particular mood.

Diagram Two: Lighting set up for mannequin test shoot - High key lighting.
I used two umbrellas, a white backdrop and a reflector. I liked this lighting as it was good if you didn't want shadows, which for this possible idea is the perfect lighting as I want to focus on what you're looking at rather than trying to hide some of the features.

Image 1 Mannequin idea: I really like this idea but didn't know how i could develop it and thought it might be a bit misunderstood and I didn't want to over complicate it.

Image 3 & 4 Vintage film poster idea:
I liked this idea more as I thought i could be more inventive with lighting and film is something I'm really interested in also so thought that would come across more in my images. The only trouble with this idea is that the final outcome could look tacky if i choose the wrong text etc.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Ideas for Image and Text Project - scans from sketchbooks

Idea 1: Model dressed in a clown/ mime outfit including mime make up, standing with a mannequin. The mannequin represents a person in a realtionship, poses suggest a one sided realtionship so model looks lonely. Models face emotionless so mime make up looks more effective. Text will be put underneath probably just short sentences/questions or just one word.

Idea 2: Vintage film posters are more vibrant than modern posters, thought of recreating my own vintage style one. Could be bit difficult as it could look tacky. Would take the photos then add text in photoshop.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Studio lighting

Light from underneath - mixture of detail and shadow but no shape.
Light from behind - No detail but shape completely clear
Light at 90 degree angle - very little detail, only on section of face and hair. Defined shape
Light from 90 degree angle
Light infront - complete detail, no deep shadows on model but dark shadow behind model, very defined shape.
Light at 45 degree angle - Detail in most parts but hard shadow on part of the face, where there is no shadow there is detail.

Image and text - Contextual links

Barbara Kruger - Kruger's work shocks you, and I think she purposely uses the text that goes with image to make you feel ashamed about the society we live in.
Barbara Kruger
Victor Burgin - In this photo which is about possession Burgin has used a photo that is linked to possession but the text is about a different kind of possession to throw off the viewer and to make them think.
Jim Goldberg - I saw Jim Goldberg's work a year ago in an exhibition in London. What makes his work so effective is his use of text, the images wouldn't mean the same thing without the sitters words written on it.
Jim Goldberg
Adbusters - The work from Adbusters is ironic and in your face, you have to look twice or read the writing to realise whats its telling you.