Tim Walker - Tim Walker's excessive use of dramatic props makes his work exciting and almost childlike. The colours are always vibrant and the more you look at his work the more small details you notice that were thoroughly thought through.

Erwin Wurm - Wurms work is ironic and humorous, I think this particular project was a mocking of our society and how everyone is obsessed about the way we should behave and how we are perceived through our actions.

Erwin Wurm

Jeff Wall - I don't think this photo is photographically spectacular but i like the freezing of the mans action and soon as this is something I would like to experiment with this photo is a slight inspiration.

Nikki S Lee - I really like this series, I think its very clever how easily she changes the way she looks and she always looks like she belongs with all these different groups and people.

Nikki S Lee

Hannah Starkey - In Hannah Starkeys work theres always seems to be one prominent colour that dominates the photo. A theme that seems to dominate her work is loneliness and isolation.

Hannah Starkey

Gregory Crewdson - Gregory Crewdson's work always seem to have the same colour scheme theres always very dull bluey greys, but because there's so much planning and technique that goes into the lighting everything pops and stands out in his photos. I like how his work is cinematic.

Gregory Crewdson

Joel Sternfeild - The 2 things that stand out for me in this photo is the pose/expression and the multiple green tones. Everything about the pose draws me in even the flexing of the toes. I think this a documentary photo but i wonder if the positioning is posed or natural.

Stephen Shore - The thing that stands out the most about this photo is the colour of the swimming costume of the woman, I find this photo intriguing because the couple are in an intimate pose but you cant see the woman's face so she looks lost in the embrace but the man is staring straight at the camera so it makes you wonder if its a metaphor for their relationship or if they've been caught in the moment.

Corinne Day - Corinne Day is one of my favourite photographers. I am instantly absorbed into her photos. She makes something beautiful out've something dirty and abit disgusting (which is usually the locations she uses.) I am always inspired by her way of capturing people off guard so that they look more natural and at ease with the photographer. As a viewer you feel like you are looking into their conversation rather than looking at a photograph.

Corinne Day

Corinne Day

Emma Hardy - There is nothing spectacular colour wise about this photo but i like the contrast in the sleeping old woman and the hyper child wearing fangs, i find it humorous. The photo below by the same photographer is the complete opposite as the mellow yellow tones takes over the photograph.

Emma Hardy

William Eggleston - This is the only photo of Egglestons work that i've seen and liked. I think its because even though his use of colour is amazing I find it hard to connect with a photo if it doesn't have people in it, and there is something about the intimacy of the pose and how opposite the poses are to each other that makes me wonder what was going on when this photo was taken.

Beat Steuli - This photograph reminds me of a film still the lighting even though being a flash from far away looks like bright sunlight and it feels as if the man you are drawn is too has just stopped in the middle of a busy new york street because of something hes realised or perhaps read on the piece of paper in his hand.

Bill Henson - Bill Hensons work depicts innocence and vulnerability and his work always confuses me because you cant always tell where the models are and what they are sitting on especially the one where it looks like the girl is floating in mid air. But this slight uneasiness you fell when you look at this series is what I like about his work.

Juergen Teller - Tellers use of flash is what draws me to his work it makes his work look flat but the fact the colours pop out because of it overshadows that flatness. Even the photo below the mains colours are black and white but it feels so colourful because the flash has brought these colours (which people debate whether black and white are colours) to life.

Juergen Teller
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